Professional Standards

RIMS Australasia & International Standards

Our work in international standards development both informs and supplements the RIMS Risk Management Professional Core Competency Model. This is achieved through the transfer of knowledge from the risk and insurance management profession to other technical experts and management disciplines that contribute towards standardization of policy, principles, and processes for guidance on managing disruption related risks for governments, public and private sector organizations around the world.

Through our recognition as an Approved Nominating Organisation of the Australian National Standards Body, Standards Australia, RIMS Australasia is well positioned to advocate for improved international standardization of societal security, safety, and resilience within government, business, and community sectors .

The Standards Australia approval entitles RIMS Australasia to nominate members to relevant Standards Australia Technical Committees for the development of Joint Australia and New Zealand risk management related standards. Through participation in Standards Australia technical committees, RIMS Australasia plays an important role in influencing risk standards under development by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) of which Standards Australia is a Member.

RIMS Australasia is represented on SA MB-025 Security and Resilience, a mirror committee to ISO Technical Committee ISO/TC292 Security and Resilience and is the Convener of MB-025-2 Sub-Committee for Organisational Resilience.

RIMS Australasia representatives have played key roles in the development of a suite of international risk management, crisis management, business continuity and emergency management standards, including “ISO 22316 Organizational resilience-Principles and attributes”,  “ISO 22301 Business continuity management systems-Requirements” and ISO 22361 Crisis management – Guidelines”.

RIMS Australia’s standards development initiatives complement RIMS international role in standardisation where RIMS Inc, is an active participant on the United States Technical Advisory Group, the US mirror committee to ISO/TC 262 Risk Management.

RIMS Australasia Chapter members are encouraged to participate in Standards Australia Technical Committees to ensure expertise from the region can be leveraged globally. Enquiries should be sent to

Latest international news in disruption related risk standards

  • RIMS continues its advocacy in promoting RIMS member engagement in the development of professional standards for security, resilience, and risk management. RIMS position as an active participant in ISO standards has been consolidated with election of a RIMS Australasia representative to the ISO Technical Committee 292 (Security and Resilience) leadership team. RIMS member, Brian Roylett, was nominated by Standards Australia, and elected by ISO member National Standards bodies, to lead ISO/TC 292 Working Group Crisis Management as Convener for a 3-year period, commencing January 2023. The Standards Council of Canada has been appointed as Secretariat WG9 Crisis Management in support of WG9 experts and the Convenor.

  • Published in 2017, “ISO 22316 Organizational resilience -Principles and attributes” is currently undergoing its first systematic peer review to ensure content and technical relevance is maintained consistent with the current international environment. The review, by ISO Technical Committee 292 Security and Resilience, commenced March 2023 with experts representing National Standards bodies from 48 counties. Amendments are expected to include contemporary thinking on resilience with an emphasis on existential threats to organizations operating in a global environment characterized by volatility, increasing uncertainty, high complexity, and ambiguity of information.

  • Currently at Committee approval stage, “ISO 31050 Managing emerging risks to enhance resilience” emphasises the importance of continual scanning of the context in which organizations operate, observing changes in conditions and circumstances for early indicators of potential emerging risks. Systems for data collection and analysis, its interpretation as information to create knowledge and provide intelligence for decision making is a feature of this standard. Publication as an ISO Technical Specification is scheduled for third quarter 2013. 

  • The new International Standard, “ISO 22361 Crisis management-Guidelines” was published in first quarter 2023. ISO 22361 provides guidance in the design and implementation of an organisations’ crisis management capability. It sets out the principles and practices to be applied to ensure an organisations crisis management capability can anticipate, respond to, and recover from crisis situations.

  • “ISO 22360-Crisis concepts, principles and framework” is being developed as an ISO Technical Specification, establishing the core principles of crises and the context in which crises conditions emerge and transition to crisis events. ISO 22360 defines the relationships between issues, incidents, emergencies and their transition to a decisive or turning point at which critical decisions must be made to avert a crisis.  Publication of the ISO 22360 Technical Specification is scheduled for September 2023 for conversion to a full ISO International Standard during 2024.


Director profile: International standards development

The RIMS Australasia Chapter initiative in advocacy of professional risk management standards is led by Director, Brian Roylett.

Brian has extensive national and international experience in risk related standards development, representing Standards Australia on several ISO Technical Committees. He is currently Chair of Standards Australia Sub-Committee MB025-5 Organizational Resilience and Convener “AS5343 Decision Making During a Crisis.”   At the national level Brian was a foundation member of Standards Australia OB/7 Committee responsible for the development of AS/NZS 4360: Risk Management, a standard which provided the impetus for the internationally acclaimed ISO 31000 Risk management- Guidelines, in addition to representing industry on engineering related national manufacturing standards.

Brian was the Project Leader for “ISO 22316 Organizational resilience-Principles and attributes” developed within ISO Technical Committee 292 Security and Resilience and is currently Co-Convener “ISO 31050 Managing emerging risks to enhance resilience” under ISO Joint Working Group 1, a collaboration between ISO TC292 and ISO TC 262 Risk management. He is the Project Leader for ISO 22360 Crisis Management-Concepts, Principles and Framework and an expert contributor to ISO 22361 Crisis management-Guidelines.