RIMS is a not-for-profit organisation representing more than 3,500 corporate, industrial, service, nonprofit, charitable and government entities throughout the world. RIMS has a membership of approximately 11,000 risk practitioners who are located in more than 60 countries.
Established in 2013, the RIMS Australasia Chapter continues to grow and flourish. I encourage you wholeheartedly to get involved by joining as a member, coming along to one of our high-quality events or reaching out to any one of our team for a chat.
To promote the discipline of Risk Management and enhance the image of professional risk manager.
To foster the educational and professional development of risk managers, as well as others within the risk management communities.
- To develop and promote products and services which meet the needs of our members.
To provide forums of free exchange of ideas and viewpoints among its members.
To promote a competitive insurance marketplace and the development of insurance products which benefit all the consumers.
To foster relationships with other professional societies and organizations in order to advance its objectives; and
To abide by the constitution and Bylaws of RIMS